Anxiety in children

Anxiety is a natural human reaction, serving as an alarm system whenever we perceive danger or a threat. This is called the ‘fight or flight response’ and sensations such as dizziness, a rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and sweaty or shaky hands are brought on by a rush of adrenaline and stress hormones. These wobbly sensations are designed to prepare the body to make a quick getaway from danger.

When this starts to happen, the thinking part of the brain (the cortex) evaluates whether the threat is real, and if so, how to handle it. When the cortex sends the all-clear signal, the fight or flight response is deactivated and the nervous system starts to calm down

Anxiety Treatment

A child's anxiety disorder can be treated by a mental health professional. A therapist can look at the symptoms, diagnose the specific anxiety disorder, and create a plan to help a child cope.

A type of talk therapy called cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) is often used. In CBT, kids try out new ways to think and act in situations that can cause anxiety, and to manage and deal with stress. The therapist provides support and guidance and teaches new coping skills, such as relaxation techniques or breathing exercises. Sometimes, but not always, medication is used as part of the treatment for anxiety.

When to seek help for child anxiety

Whilst it’s normal for your child or adolescent to feel anxious at times, if their symptoms are persistent or start interfering with their daily life it might be time to seek professional help. Anxiety disorders can be a serious illness and have long term health implications.

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